Costume Guide
People believed that when someone died, the crows took their souls to the land of the dead. But sometimes something bad happens with terrible sorrow, and the soul never rests. So sometimes, crows can regain their spirit to correct what is wrong.
The Crow was an amazing movie to watch and one of my favorites. Of course, the amazing film has to have an amazing costume. The Crow costume looks dark evil and full of vengeance. Brandon Lee’s acting was outstanding but what made his acting in the movie more attractive is his costume.
The Crow costume consists of a Wig, a Shirt, leather pants, a leather coat, lots of black tape around his stomach and on his hands, a pair of boots, a ring necklace, and of course some crows.
Wig: – Get the Wig that looks similar to the crow character.
Shirt: – Wear a long-sleeved black shirt. If you have an old shirt tear it and make some holes in it to look like an injured Superhero who fought the evil and came back. See the ideas above.
Leather Pant: – Get leather pants similar to The Crow costume. Superhero always needs rough and tough clothes to fight evil and leather clothes don’t wear and tear easily.
Leather Coat: – The coat makes the costume more attractive and gives a superhero-like feeling. (Although a leather coat can be expensive you can cosplay without the coat as well, see the costume ideas above).
Black Tape: – Get the big roll of black tape and wrap it around the stomach above the shirt and also around your hands similar to the character.
Shoes: – Get a pair of shoes similar to the costume (you can use your old ones also if it makes sense to wear them with this costume)
Necklace: – The Crow wears his engagement ring as a necklace to show his sorrow for his fiancee and the ring always makes him remember to revenge on the evils.
Crows: – Buy some fake real-size crows and put them on your shoulder to show the crow as your pet bird.
Costume Makeup Guide
Costume Ideas