John Constantine Costume

John Constantine Costume
Short Blonde Wig
Short Blonde Wig
White Dress Shirt
White Dress Shirt
Red Slim Tie
Red Slim Tie
Brown Trench Coat
Brown Trench Coat
Black Pant
Black Pant
Black Belt
Black Belt
Black Formal Shoes
Black Formal Shoes
Vintage Watch
Vintage Watch
Fake Cigarettes
Fake Cigarettes

John Constantine, the chain-smoking, cynical occult detective and exorcist from the Hellblazer comics, has become an iconic character with a distinctively simple yet recognizable style. Whether you’re preparing for a convention, Halloween, or just want to channel your inner supernatural investigator, here’s everything you need to nail the Constantine look.

Essential Components for Your John Constantine Costume

1. Blonde Hair

Constantine’s signature dirty blonde hair is slightly messy and cropped. If you don’t naturally have blonde hair, consider a short blonde wig that you can style with some texturizing product for that perpetually disheveled look.

2. White Button-Down Shirt

Start with a simple white dress shirt. The key is to keep it looking slightly rumpled – Constantine isn’t known for his pressed attire. Roll up the sleeves slightly for that “just finished an exorcism” vibe.

3. Red Tie

A slim red tie is a must-have. Constantine typically wears his loosened and slightly askew, reflecting his casual disregard for formality even when wearing business attire.

4. Tan Trench Coat

The most iconic piece of the Constantine outfit is his tan trench coat. Look for a knee-length or longer beige/tan trench with a wide collar. This coat should appear slightly worn – Constantine has been through a lot with that coat.

5. Black Dress Pants

Simple black slacks complete the lower half of the outfit. Nothing fancy – just standard black dress pants.

6. Black Belt

A simple black leather belt with a silver buckle works perfectly.

7. Black Dress Shoes

Finish the outfit with plain black dress shoes or oxford-style shoes. They should be practical rather than fashionable.

8. Wristwatch

Constantine often wears a simple watch with a black leather band. Nothing flashy or expensive-looking.

9. Prop Cigarettes

For authenticity (without the health risks), consider prop cigarettes. Constantine is rarely seen without one. You can use fake cigarettes or hand-roll some prop ones.

Additional Accessories (Optional)

  • Holy Knuckle Dusters: For fans of the character, adding some brass knuckles with holy symbols can be a nice touch.
  • Bottle of Whiskey: Constantine often has a bottle of cheap whiskey nearby.
  • Occult Artifacts: Small trinkets like amulets or charms can add authenticity.
  • Lighter: A simple metal lighter is a character-appropriate prop.

Attitude and Mannerisms

To truly embody Constantine, adopt his world-weary cynicism with hints of dark humor. Practice his slight slouch, hands-in-pockets stance, and the way he squints when contemplating the supernatural. The character has a British accent (specifically from Liverpool), so consider working on that if you want to go the extra mile.

Finishing Touches

Adding some subtle makeup to create shadows under your eyes can help achieve Constantine’s perpetually tired look from battling demons. A bit of stubble (either real or applied) also adds to the character’s disheveled appearance.

Remember, Constantine’s look is deceptively simple but instantly recognizable to fans. The trench coat and red tie combination, paired with the right attitude, will immediately signal who you’re portraying even to casual observers of the character.

Good luck on your supernatural adventures as the master of the dark arts!

John Constantine Costume
Photo dcnerd on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo dcnerd on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Kenny Maths on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo dcnerd on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Kelson on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Paul Cory on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Katy DeCobray on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Katy DeCobray on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo greyloch on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo The Infamous Blue Tie on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Vinny Gragg on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo greyloch on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo imtopher on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo dcnerd on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Patcave on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Paul Cory on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Patcave on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Paul Cory on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Paul Cory on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo greyloch on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Paul Cory on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo greyloch on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Patcave on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Randsom on Flickr
John Constantine Costume
Photo Paul Cory on Flickr

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